Basic Spanish Pronunciation

Spanish pronunciation is pretty easy and straight forward. To be honest, if you can read English, you can basically already read Spanish.
I don’t think it’s a wise use of your time to practice pronunciation much. If you say the right word, but just pronounce it poorly, you’ll still almost always be understood. Plus, you’ll practice pronunciation naturally while you learn words, both by speaking and by listening.
In today’s video, I do go over a few letters and combos that are definitely different from English, but then I give you homework.
Pick one of the songs below (or find your own) and play it. Below each video is a link to the lyrics for that song. While the song plays, follow along with the lyrics.
This will probably be hard at first. When I tried this initially, I remember not being able to even hear when the words started and stopped.
But slowly, you’ll grab one word here then another there. Or if you’re good, and I chose these songs because they are somewhat slow and simple, you’ll even be able to follow along.
If not, don’t make the whole song your goal. Just go for one verse or just the chorus. Bottom line, no matter what, if you do this twice, I promise you’ll notice a big difference between the first and second times.
Good luck!
Free Practice Resources:
Word List: Spanish Pronunciation
Pronunciation Guide
Pronunciation Song #1:
Maná – En el muelle de San Blás
Video @ YouTube
The Lyrics
Pronunciation Song #2:
Jarabe de Palo – Grita
Video @ YouTube
The Lyrics
Pronunciation Song #3:
Manu Chao – Me Gustas Tú
Video @ YouTube
The Lyrics