La Cosa del Día #42
I knew they said “¡Ándale!” in Mexico, but other than that, I didn’t realize they use “andar” in Latin America ️??️??️??
Until I got to Buenos Aires.
I was at my hostel, talking to the girl behind the desk, when she asked (in her amazing accent):
¿Zzzzzzzordan, andas solo? — Jordan, do you walk alone?
I was surprised. I knew “andar” from Spain–that’s how they say “to walk” in Spain ️??️??️??️
But I thought they said “caminar” in Latin America?
And they do! For physical walking.
But as my new friend explained (because I asked) she wasn’t talking about “walking” literally–more like “journey” or “go” or “travel” through Argentina ??️??️??️
We do the same thing in English!
We WALK through life–alone, with a partner–whatever! “Andar” can be used for lots of stuff like that–even more in Spanish!