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Ahhh, The Flashcard Strategy… this one is near and dear to my heart. Anybody that knows my story knows I have a deep affection for making flashcards to memorize words. But you shouldn’t just throw the words on the cards and jump in randomly and haphazardly. Oh no.
In this video, I’m going to go over the exact strategy I used when I was first learning Spanish, to practice all the different conjugations of a verb.
I failed Spanish 2 the first time I took it. And I recently started getting a lot messages from high school kids taking Spanish 2 saying they were having the same problems I had. This is my “open letter” to anybody who’s having problems with verb conjugation or Spanish.
The Flashcard Strategy is used to memorize new vocabulary words. The Conjugation Strategy is for learning all the different conjugations of verbs. In this video, I present The Song Strategy. One of the best ways to practice Spanish COMPREHENSION.
In this video you’ll get three steps to learning Spanish like a kid learns Spanish. When you’re done with this video, you’ll literally be ready to speak Spanish today! No exaggeration.
The Puzzle Strategy is the best strategy I’ve got for improving your Spanish fast. Not only will your learn new words and grammar, but you’ll identify specifically what you need to work on.
In this video, you’ll learn everything I personally did to learn Spanish PLUS what’s worked best for my students the last four years.
In this video, you’ll get specific strategies and tactics you can use to learn Spanish–from your table, in a non-Spanish-speaking country.
Learn all about Spanish immersion schools: how they work, how to choose a school, how long to stay, the cost, safety (including single women), accommodation options (including what to request for the best experience), my favorite schools and more.