The videos on this page are sorted with the newest on top. To see them sorted with the oldest on top (the order I made them), click here.
In this video, you’ll see the four most common ways “lo” is used in Spanish. And it’s way easier than most schools, courses and books make it seem. And oh yeah, I MIGHT go on another one of my rants…
Have you ever seen an extra “le” and wondered, “What is THAT for?” Me too! I wondered about that extra “le” for almost 20 years! But not anymore. I finally know the deal with that extra “le”. And you can too. Just watch this video!
The Three Enemigos are so irregular, they often look more like each other, than they do themselves! Fortunately (as with most things) when you take a closer look and focus–they’re not THAT bad. Watch this fun video, to make peace with your enemies.
In this video, you’ll get specific strategies and tactics you can use to learn Spanish–from your table, in a non-Spanish-speaking country.
In this video, you’ll learn everything I personally did to learn Spanish PLUS what’s worked best for my students the last four years.
Two videos ago, I showed you how prepositions work the same in Spanish as they do in English. Well, in this video… I show you how they’re different.
In this video, you’ll get the basic ideas behind “por” and “para”. The first step to understanding this difficult subject.
In this video, you’ll get 22 of the most common prepositions that’ll enable you to understand 80-90% of the prepositions you encounter.
The Puzzle Strategy is the best strategy I’ve got for improving your Spanish fast. Not only will your learn new words and grammar, but you’ll identify specifically what you need to work on.
In this video, I answer the question, “Do you teach Spanish from Spain or Latin America?” PLUS you’ll learn some Spanish words even better than most native Spanish-speakers!